Testing in the sandbox

The sandbox environment is completely separate from the live production environment and requires separate credentials.  Using your production credentials in the sandbox or vice versa will always return Response Reason Code 13.  Sign up for a sandbox account at https://developer.authorize.net/hello_world/sandbox/

Our sandbox functions similar to the live payment gateway. However, sandbox transactions are not submitted to financial institutions for processing.  Sandbox transactions will never actually process a payment.

Your sandbox should always be set to Live Mode. Transactions submitted in test mode are not stored and will return a transaction ID of zero.

Test card numbers

The following test credit card numbers will only work in the sandbox. Use any expiration date after today’s date. If the card code is required, please use any 3-digit combination for Visa, Mastercard, China UnionPay, Discover, Diners Club, EnRoute, and JCB; use a 4-digit combination for American Express.

Test Card Brand Number
American Express  370000000000002
China UnionPay 6221499053360818
Discover 6011000000000012
JCB 3088000000000017
Diners Club/ Carte Blanche 38000000000006
Visa 4007000000027
Mastercard 5424000000000015

Test checking account numbers

Testing eCheck.Net® transactions requires using a valid routing number and any random number for checking account.

Routing Numbers can be found at the Federal Reserve website.

Please Note: For testing purposes, eCheck.Net transactions under $100 will be accepted.  To generate a decline, submit a transactions over $100.  A monthly limit of $5000 is also configured in the sandbox.  If you exceed this amount, your eCheck transactions will receive a response code 2. You can request an increase by using the contact us form.

Testing solution ID

The following test Solution IDs should be used in Sandbox environment: AAA100302, AAA100303, AAA100304

IMPORTANT NOTE: Production Solution IDs cannot be used in the Sandbox.  Refer to the Solution ID Integration Guide for more details.

Generating card responses

In all of the tables, the first column shows the value to use to trigger the response shown in the second column.

General responses

Use the following zip code to generate declined transactions.

Zip Code
Response Code
Response Text
46282 2 This Transaction has been declined. General bank decline

AVS responses

When testing AVS, use the following zip codes to generate specific AVS responses.

Zip Code AVS Status AVS Response Notes
46203 E AVS data provided is invalid or AVS is not allowed for the card type that was used.  
46207 R The AVS system was unavailable at the time of processing.  
46204 G The card issuing bank is of non-U.S. origin and does not support AVS. Not applicable to American Express
46209 U The address information for the cardholder is unavailable.  
46208 S The U.S. card issuing bank does not support AVS.  
46205 N

Address: No Match

ZIP Code: No Match

46201 A

Address: Match

ZIP Code: No Match

46217 Z

Address: No Match

ZIP Code: Match

46211 W

Address: No Match

ZIP Code: Matched 9 digits

Not applicable to American Express
46214 X

Address: Match

ZIP Code: Matched 9 digits

Not applicable to Visa or American Express

CVV responses

When testing CVV, use the following card codes to generate specific CVV responses.

Card Code CVV Response CVV Status
900 M Successful Match
901 N Does NOT Match
904 P Is NOT Processed
902 S Should be on card, but is not indicated
903 U Issuer is not certified or has not provided encryption key

Partial authorization responses

When testing partial authorization, use zip codes (card not present transactions) and amounts (card present transactions) to produce specific responses.

Zip Code

(if card not present)


(if card present)

RESULT Remaining Balance Authorized Amount
46225 $462.25 Partial Authorization n/a $1.23
46226 $462.26 Prepaid Authorization $1.23 Full Amount
46227 $426.27 Prepaid Authorization -$1.23(negative balance; see below) Full Amount
46228 $462.28 Prepaid Authorization $0 Full Amount

In what circumstances would a card have a negative balance?

A prepaid card would have a negative balance if, for example, it was a reloadable card, which is typically linked to a bank account; such a card often has a monthly fee. If the consumer has used the complete balance and a fee is assessed, there would be a negative balance prior to the card being reloaded.

Transaction amount triggers (deprecated)

These triggers may cease to function without notice. The following tables list current correspondences between transaction amounts and specific responses.

NOTE: These values were phased out in 2011 in favor of the ZIP code values.

General responses

$70.02 2 This transaction has been declined. General bank decline
$70.03 3 This transaction has been declined. Referral to voice authorization
$70.05 35 An error occured during processing.Call Merchant Service Provider Unkown error occured during processing

AVS responses

AMOUNT Visa Mastercard American Express Discover
$70.40 E X E X
$70.42 A A A A
$70.43 Z Z Z Z
$70.44 N N N N
$70.45 U U U U
$70.46 S S S S
$70.47 R R R R
$70.48 E W N W
$70.49 P E Y E
$70.50 G E E E
$70.51 E E Z E
$70.52 Y E Y E
$70.53 E E A E
$70.54 E E U E
$70.55 Y E Z E
$70.56 E E Y E
$70.57 Y E A E
$70.60 A E E E
$70.61 G E E E
$70.62 Y E Z E
$70.63 Y E A E
$70.64 G E E E
$70.65 N E E E
$70.66 Y E Y E
$70.67 Z E E E
$70.94 P P P P

CVV responses

$70.70 M Successful Match
$70.71 N Does NOT Match
$70.72 P
Is NOT Processed
$70.73 S Should be on card, but is not indicated
$70.74 U Issuer not certified or has not provided encryption key

Testing Account Updater

You can use the following card numbers to test the Account Updater service. If you create a customer payment profile in the developer sandbox using one of these numbers, that customer payment profile will receive the expected response when the Account Updater process runs. The payment profile itself will then be updated or deleted as appropriate for the specific response.

The Account Updater process in the developer sandbox runs at the same frequency as in production (once per month). Results are available the following month. There is no function to manually trigger an update.

Card Number Expected Result Profile Action Taken
Card number updated
Expiration date updated
Payment profile disabled
Payment profile deleted
Card number updated
Expiration date updated
Payment profile disabled
Payment profile deleted
XXXX7183 ACL Payment profile deleted